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Ananjan Studio Sound Engineering Courses

Sound Engineering Course in Kolkata

Ananjan Studio believes that the subject of Sound Engineering, Recording Arts & Music are complimentary to each other. A sound engineer/recordist must be recognized as an equal contributor in the production procedure of any form of music. Hence, Ananjan Studio has conceptualized a musically designed certificate course in Kolkata of Sound Engineering, Music Production & Music Business.

This program discusses the different ideas of music composition & production.The sound engineering skills that helps a producer to materialize the creative ideas along with the tips of Music Business to reach out the Mass & Industry Professionals to sell their creative works on all the online stores.

Every student gets the glorious opportunity to produce record & mix one song along with acoustic musician. After achieving distinction, this course promotes all the students to the eminent music directors, producers as well as the mass through paid adv. in Social Media, Email Marketing & WhatsApp Marketing. For the complete syllabus & the course curriculum of the whole program please download the brochure.


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